The latest attack on journalism in Turkey

While the conditions of journalist has been continually worsening in Turkey, there has been a new wave of crackdown in the last week of April as we approach the upcoming general and presidential election on May 14, and three months after the two successive devastating earthquakes that demolished neighborhood in 11 cities in the South-East of Turkey on February 6. On 25 April, coordinated dawn raids in Turkey targeted homes…


another poem for loss of words

Sometimes a line from a poem picks my mind and it seems like the most sensible line to utter to the void of sounds or songs that is left by the meaning draining through a sieve in the face of a very, very interesting times. Despicable times of greed, hypocracy, ignorance, and corruption. So the line keeps repeating itself in my mind and I finally find the will to find…

Read more about the article May ‘68 and Its Afterlives
Tout Va Bien, (Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin, 1972) film still

May ‘68 and Its Afterlives

Bu yazının Türkçesi de mevcut. Preliminary note: There is a type of writing in academic literature that I began to appreciate a lot: the book review. Researchers write short essays on newly published books by other researchers working in the same field, and these articles are generally published in journals or digests in that field. It generally is a short, tidy article. It aims to locate the scope of the…

Read more about the article Mayıs 68 ve Geride Kalanlar
Tout Va Bien, (Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin, 1972) film still

Mayıs 68 ve Geride Kalanlar

This post is also available in English. Ön not: Akademik yazında yeni kıymetini bildiğim bir tür var: kitap incelemesi. Araştırmacılar, kendi alanlarında, benzer konularda çalışan başka araştırmacıların genellikle yeni yayınlanmış bir kitabını inceledikleri, denemeye yakın bir yazı yazar ve bu yazı, alanla ilgili dergilerde veya derlemelerde basılır. Kısa, toparlayıcı bir yazı olur. Dümdüz bir özetten çok, asıl olarak kitabın kapsamını, o araştırma alanında konumlandırmayı hedefler. Alanımda, en azından göz atmam…



for some time now I've been thinking of anger, particularly, the lack of it, in certain situations, and of the reasons why. My question has been: why people are not angry when they should be? What is it that keeps them from being (or appearing to be) angry? Now, I don't have an answer to that. But what I have in mind as anger, as the kind of rage that…


neighbors as citizen journalists during the Eid in Turkey

In one previous post titled “journalism in times of mega crises,” I pondered on the state of journalism in the current period of pandemic, during which there are restrictions on movement and the Covid-19 crisis is used as an opportunity by the states to increase surveillance and control. From the beginning, before evolving into a pandemic, the case of the virus Covid-19 came to be publicly known through a case…


arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder

Rembrandt moments of photojournalism #1 There is a certain theme of expression in photojournalism in recent years that I’m drawn to; it is more like a "mode" in music, rather than a topic. It is not really about the type of content. It is rather a “gesture to being eternal” that is evoked in those beautiful images of conflict and social upheaval. There is a co-existence of tension and motion…


journalism in times of mega crises

Among the numerous things that are of concern about the new surge of authoritarianism around the world with the measures put in place against the Covid19 global pandemic, is the case of journalism today. Border closures and measures restricting mobility are already impacting physical access in many regions of the world. In places where the governments were already infamous for curtailing freedom of speech and actions of journalists, the protection…

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“god is greatest,” and the question of the legitimate use of images of atrocities

I attended a conference in Berlin as audience where the language of the conference was English and most presenters were graduate students from the research institution which organized the conference. One of the presenters showed a video clip from a street footage of an atrocity that took place somewhere in North Africa, which could have taken place anywhere during an upheaval. The video was taken with a cell phone by…